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JANUARY 23, 2025

SKBC, Thirsty Thursday

DECEMBER 7, 2024


SKBC, Christmas Dinner 2024

NOVEMBER 22, 2024

SKBC Economic Outlook 2025 with Professor Heungchong Kim

NOVEMBER 6, 2024


Swiss Embassy - SKBC, CEOs Breakast on De-risking

OCTOBER 3, 2024



SKBC - Visit of the DMZ hosted by the NNSC

SEPTEMBER 27, 2024



SKBC - Maxon Motor Factory Tour

AUGUST 2, 2024



SKBC - Swiss National Day

JULY 4, 2024



SKBC - Thirsty Thursday

JUNE 12, 2024



ECCK-All European Chamber Event

MAY 24, 2024



SKBC-Swiss Embassy - CEO Breakfast Roundtable “From Algorithms to Assurance: Cultivating Trust in Digital Leadership”

APRIL 25, 2024



SKBC- 1st Thirsty Thursday Connect! 

APRIL 7, 2024



SKBC-ECCK - Emerging global security challenges: Food & Pharmaceutical supply chain threats

MARCH 7, 2024



SKBC AGM 2024, Swiss Embassy

FEBRUAR 22, 2024



SKBC Feburary Raclette Dinner with Seung Ah, on Story Telling

DECEMBER 5, 2023



SKBC Christmas Dinner 2023

NOVEMBER 17, 2023



SKBC - Swiss Wine Degustation with Valentin Schiess from Vinigma

OCTOBER 31, 2023


SKBC - SCCK Luncheon with Tony Michell on the 2024 Economic Outlook

SEPTEMBER 20, 2023



SKBC - ECCK Luncheon with Julien Provenzano, Ralf Kairos, Co-founder.

on Future-Proofing Industries: Cybersecurity Challenges, Solutions, and AI's Pivotal Role."

JULY 28, 2023



SKBC - Swiss National Day

JUNE 2, 2023



SKBC - 30th Years Anniversary 

MAY 19, 2023



SKBC - Swiss-Korean Innovation Week 2023 Event

Luncheon with H.E. Guy Parmelin, Swiss Federal Councillor on

Korean Market: Challenges and Opportunities.

MAY 17, 2023



SKBC - Swiss-Korean Innovation Week 2023 Event

Digital responsibility by Prof. Morin, Geneva followed by a panel discussion: Big Data meets Corporate Digital Responsibility

MARCH 29, 2023



SKBC - AGM 2023

FEBRUARY 22, 2023



SKBC - Sebastien Falletti, Raclette Dinner on Korea's Ride in the "New Cold War".

JANUARY 26, 2023



[Partner Event] SKBC, SCCK - Yoon & Yang, Labor Law Update 2023 by David Park.

DECEMBER 2, 2022



SKBC Christmas Dinner 2022

NOVEMBER 28, 2022



On the 28th of November, SKBC Luncheon with the support of the ECCK on the 2023 Korea Business Outlook, presentation by Dr. Tony Michell. 

OCTOBER 4, 2022



SKBC, Swiss Embassy Automated Photography Exhibition

with Ecal, discussions and private visit

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JULY 29, 2022



SKBC Swiss National Day Celebration 2022

National Day.jpg
JUNE 9, 2022



SKBC, Swiss Embassy

Swiss Innovation Week Breakfast

SKBC SwissInno Week.png
MAY 3, 2022



SKBC, AGM 2022

Swiss Embassy

MARCH 31, 2022



Korea Art Trends

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MARCH 15, 2022


SKBC, 2021 Christmas Dinner at the Gastrotong Restaurant

MARCH 3, 2022

SKBC, 2022

Global Logistics:

Challenges &

Opportunities in 2022

Global Logistics.jpg
JANUARY 21, 2022



SKBC, Tony's Mitchell

2022 Business Outlook

2022 Korea Business Outlook.jpg
DECEMBER 3, 2021


SKBC, 2021 Christmas Dinner at the Gastrotong Restaurant

NOVEMBER 10, 2021

SKBC, Swiss Embassy

Herzog & de Meuron, 473 SongEun Art Space


SKBC Draft Invitation - H&DM.jpg
NOVEMBER 8, 2021

SKBC, Swiss Embassy

Breathing Wall 

Exhibition at the Swiss Embassy

NOVEMBER 2, 2021

SKBC, Shin & Kim event

Update on the Serious Accident Punishment Act (SAPA)

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JULY 2021

SKBC Cultural Event

Jeager-Le Coultre


The Sound Maker

JULY 2021


SKBC - PersolKelly - HR Outlook for the new decade in APAC and Korea

HR outlook for the New Decade in APAC and Korea [75074].jpg
JUNE 2021


SKBC Cultural Event

Korea Furniture Museum


JUNE 2021




SKBC Partner Event

MAY 2021


SKBC Swiss Business Club Event

Panel Discussion

APRIl 2021



SKBC Partner Event 

on Zoom

APRIL 2021



SKBC Partner Event 

on Zoom

Partner Event.JPG
MARCH 2021



SKBC AGM 2021 

on Zoom

MARCH 2021



Series 10

with Zuellig Pharma

Copy of Copy of Copy of past carbonara (


Series 9

with Kim & Chang and Nestle Korea



with Tony Mitchell

2021 Economic Outlook


November 2020, Webinar Series 7

November 04, 2020

We Elevate...the Future! IoT in Urban Mobility by Sungwhan Choi, Communication and Marketing Manager, Schindler Korea

October 2020, Webinar Series 6

October 22, 2019

Change in Management by Minju Kim, Nestle Korea, HR Head

September 2020, Webinar Series 5

September 23, 2019

NNSC: Origin and Current Tasks by General Patrick Gauchat

July 2020, SKBC - ECCK Webinar Series 5

July 22, 2020

How to Drive MNC's Digital Transformation in Korea? Agendas for CEOs by Eric Kim, Datacrunch Global CEO

Digital Transformation, coupled with the COVID-19 situation, has been a top agenda of global CEOs. The Korean market is typically tough in driving digital transformation strategies for multinational companies, since the competing Korean firms are advanced in the digital initiatives while the support from the global HQ on digital agendas are late in time, or not advanced enough for the Korea specific market situations.

It is also tough to drive digital transformation initiatives as a Korean market initiative, since CEOs should manage both the potential conflict with the global HQ and the inertia to change in the Korean organization.


June 2020, SKBC Webinar Series 4

June 14, 2020

SKBC Series 4 Debates on the New Normal with the participation of 

Unwha Choi, MindsGroup CEO

Gordon Dudley, RDI Worldwide CEO

Michel Martinez, Lotte-Nestle CFO

Erwan Vilfeu, Zuellig Pharma Korea, President

Moderated by Frederic Weber, SKBC Managing Director

May 2020, SKBC Webinar Series 3

May 12, 2020

Chain Supply Digital Transformation by Peter Prem, Head of Global Strategy at Tetra Pak, Switzerland

April 2020, SKBC Webinar Series 2

April 29, 2020


"Healthcare Diagnostics: The value of Diagnostics in COVID-19" by 

Ms. Ana Richelia (“Richie”) Jara-Lazaro,

Medical and Scientific Affairs for Roche Diagnostics, Asia-Pacific.


April 09, 2020

Due to the Covid-19, SKBC held its Annual General Meeting online via Eztalk. Chairman Erwan Vilfeu was joined by Michel Martinez (SKBC Treasurer) and Frederic Weber (SKBC Managing Director). 


1. Welcoming remarks

2. 2019 reports

3. 2020 outlook

4. 2019 financial report

5. Election

February 2020, SKBC Webinar Series 1

January 23, 2020

How to Operate and Adapt your Business during the COVID19

OBJECTIVE Sharing experience in difficult times! Swiss companies CEOs in Korea will share their experiences, tips and best practices while facing operation challenges...


SCHEDULE 08:00 to 08.05 Welcoming remarks from Frederic Weber (SKBC, Managing Director, G&S Korea, Executive Director) 08:05 to 08:15 Brief Introduction and presentation by Ervan Vilfeu (Zuellig Pharma Korea President, SKBC Chairman) 08:15 to 08:45: Panel discussion with Which measures have you implemented in your company to cope with the current situation? What is the current impact on your business? Followed by Q&A (Online Questions).


Panelists: Erwan Vilfeu (Zuellig Pharma, President) Sean Sutton (Schindler Elevator Korea, CEO) Alain Diller (Swatch Group Korea, CEO) Hyeon Goo Gang (Givaudan Korea, Country Manager)

January 2020, SKBC Raclette Dinner with Veronica Kang on Fermentation Raclette vs Kimchi?

January 28, 2020

November 2019, SKBC Christmas Dinner

November 28, 2019

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

November 2019, SKBC-Nowak & Partner on SBCK Seminar with Nowak & Partner Nowak & Partner: Sharing our 10 years of experience in supporting foreign companies in Korea by Elias Peterle, Nowak & Partner, Managing Director

November 13, 2019

Principles of business management can be regarded as universal. The approach itself, as well as ideas and the management process can be applied around the world and work in most business areas. However, what is it that sets some of the foreign companies back in Korea? Why do many face difficulties here?

The SKBC is inviting you to join Elias Peterle, Representative Director at Nowak & Partner, who will share his business advisory experience from a practical perspective covering facts to consider while establishing, operating or taking over a company in Korea focusing on case studies from project and interim management. 

October 2019, SKBC-ECCK "Through a glass darkly" the prospects for the Korean economy in 2020 by Dr. Tony Michell

October 29, 2019

The title from Corinthians 1 reminds us that the future is always uncertain, but the phrase "darkly" is intended to suggest that the prospects for Korea in 2020, under most scenarios, is negative. Alongside the reasons for expecting 2020 to be worse than 2019, I will look at some of the more promising features of the Korea that Moon Jae-in is shaping notably the impact of increased welfare spending. The wild card of the beginning of a North Korean settlement and its implications will also be addressed.

October 2019, SKBC-CLT Korea "Korea Cross-Cultural Business" by Diane Hong, CLT Korea CEO

October 10, 2019

Diane Hong is a consultant, trainer, facilitator, and certified coach since 1995. She owes her specialization in the intercultural field to extensive stays in the U.S., Asia and Europe. Her area of expertise lies in the field of leadership training and coaching, intercultural training for the cultures she worked in, global business skills, and improving the performance of virtual international teams.

Diane Hong is the author of “CLT practical Korean”, a book about Korean language and culture. She has been a guest speaker on Arirang radio, TBS e FM,  Kyoungin Radio broadcasting, for several years to talk about global business etiquette and global business norms as well as Korean culture and Korean business culture to foreign listeners worldwide.  

September 2019, SKBC-NNSC DMZ Tour and Lunch at the Swiss Camp

September 26, 2019

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

September 2019, SKBC-Incoaching on "Global Coaching Leadership Trends" by Jae Eun Kim, Incoaching Director

January 01, 2020

Jae Eun Kim is a professional coach and leader with extensive experiences in a wide range of industries. Her vision as a coach is to support people to be happy at work and maximize their potentials. She supports leaders and organizations navigating in a fast-changing, multinational, multicultural corporate environment. She is the author of the book titled “Positive employees vs. Negative employees”: Group Coaching to Enhance Effectiveness as a Team Leader.

Incoaching is a leading coaching company with 16 years of experience in coaching and leadership training. Since its foundation in 2003, Incoaching has continuously been providing a variety of coaching business services to more than 1,500 organizations.

June 2019, SBCK-ECCK - Digitalization in Healthcare - Presented by Erwan Vilfeu, President, Zuellig Pharma Korea Ltd.

June 23, 2019

MAKING HEALTHCARE MORE ACCESSIBLE, Zuellig Pharma is one of the largest healthcare services groups in Asia and our purpose is to make healthcare more accessible. We provide world-class distribution, digital and commercial services to support the growing healthcare needs in this region. The company was started almost a hundred years ago and has grown to become a US$13 billion business covering 13 markets with over 10,000 employees. Our people serve over 350,000 medical facilities and work with over 1,000 clients, including the top 20 pharmaceutical companies in the world. 

May 2019, SKBC - Lotte-Nestle Factory Visit in Cheongju

May 24, 2019

In collaboration with LOTTE-Nestlé Korea, SKBC Members were cordially invited to visit the

LOTTE-Nestlé Korea, Cheongju Factory Plant Visit.

May 2019, SKBC-ESCCK Special Lecture On "The Role Of Chaebols And Government Policies"

May 06, 2019

The Swiss-Korean Business Council is collaborating withThe Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ESCCK) to host an event where Dr. Lee Seung-Joo, professor of KDI School of Public Policy and Management, will provide a special lecture regarding Chaebols, the most notable conglomerates in Korea.  This lecture will be an opportunity to obtain insight on the characteristics of Chaebols.

April 2019, SKBC AGM

April 01, 2019

SKBC annual general meeting at Swiss Embassy hosted by H.E. Dr. Linus von Castelmur, Ambassador of Switzerland in Korea, our Chairman Erwan Vijlfeu welcomed Claudia Toenz Co-Founder of Schauplatz and Karsten Kühme, CEO of Nestlé KOREA joining on our board SH Jang, Matthew Beebar, DKSH Rep Director, Daniel Derzic, Deputy head of Mission Embassy of Switzerland, Gin W. Kang, CEO Shell Lubricant, Alain Diller, CEO Swtach Group KOREA, Francoise Lewalle, Kim&Chang foreign attorney and Nayeon Kang, CEO Enso group. We’re looking for an exciting year ahead serving the Swiss-Korean business community with the support of our Managing Director Frederic A. Weber

March 2019, SKBC - KITAC Social Event

March 27, 2019

In collaboration with the KITAC (Korean International Theater & Art Company) and in margin of the Seoul Francophone Theater Festival, SKBC Members were cordially inviting you to the theatrical performance of the KING KONG THEORY by Virginie Despentes with Selma Alaoui and Mina Kweon on Thursday 28th of March 2019 at 8pm Duration: 1h. Followed by a Conference at 9pm on
What is being a feminist today? Speakers: Selma Alaoui Duration: 1h @the Dream Art Center

February 2019, SKBC Raclette Dinner 2019 in with Sebastien Falletti

February 20, 2019

Sébastien Falletti has been working as the Korea correspondent for the French newspaper Le Figaro since 2009. He covers political and business news across Asia, including North Korea. He has written Corée du Nord: Neuf Ans Pour Fuir L’Enfer (North Korea: 9 Years to Escape from Hell) with North Korean defector Eunsun Kim, published in 2012 and translated in several countries including the United States. Also Corée du Sud, le goût du miracle (Nevetica, 2016) and a biography of Alfred Dreyfus. La Piste Kim, Voyages en Corée du Nord (Editions Equateurs, 2018) is his latest book.

January 2019, SKBC Afterwork on Smart, Sustainable Cities by Chungha Cha, Co-founder & Chair @Re-Imagining Cities Foundation

January 30, 2019

Mr. Cha has been in the finance industry for 20+ years and established Re‐Imagining Cities Foundation under the Korea Green Building Council non‐profit umbrella. We imagine a world with 100% renewable energy, clean air and a happy and healthy environment where we can all live, work and play in harmony with nature.

Cities are the problem emitting 70‐80% of the world's greenhouse gases. With increasing urbanization, we seek to make Cities part of the solution to our energy and climate crisis by accelerating green building solutions. Working closely with Architecture 2030, the World GreenBuilding Council, Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) and the World WildlifeFund (WWF‐Korea), Re‐Imagining Cities Foundation focuses on the “business case of green buildings” to help real estate developers and investors increase their financial returns with green buildings and green cities. Mr. Cha is concurrently Vice Chairman of the Korean Green Building Council and Co‐Chair of the Energy & Green Growth Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Seoul. 

ECCK Business Confidence Survey 2018 Kickoff Meeting

January 10, 2019

On January 11, ECCK and representatives of European chambers and business councils including the SKBC gathered at the ECCK office in Seoul at the Seoul Spaces. The meeting was held to  launch this year’s Business Confidence Survey, prepared to gauge European companies’ perception towards the business environment in Korea.

SKBC Christmas Dinner 2018

December 14, 2018

SKBC November 2018 Luncheon on the South Korea Business Outlook 2019 with Mr. Tony Mitchell, KABC Founder

November 21, 2018

SKBC Members were invited to Dr. Tony Michell, founder of Euro-Asian Business Consultancy (EABC) and Korea Associates Business Consulting (KABC) lecture on the "Korea Economic Outlook 2019".

SKBC at the 15th International Jarasum Jazz Festival

October 12, 2018

SKBC Members were invited to A Day out  @the 15th JARASUM INTERNATIONAL JAZZ FESTIVAL
including "Meet the Swiss Musicians" Reception co-hosted with the Swiss Korea Fund and the Swiss Embassy. It was a great opportunity to get together and to meet famous Swiss Musicians like Nik Bartschy Ronin, Colin Vallon Trio and Schnellertollermeier

SKBC Introduction to Watchmaking with Omega Watches

September 19, 2018

On 20 September,  the SKBC along with Swiss watchmaker Omega exclusively organized a special event ‘Introduction to Watchmaking’ at its flagship store in Chungdam-dong. In the event, Ambassador von Castelmur and the members experienced a watchmaker course in the store’s atelier and learned its brand assets. The Ambassador congratulated the Swiss watchmaker’s successful business in Korea and thanked for the special event organized for Swiss and Korean business experts.

SKBC 2018 Swiss Night

July 26, 2018

SKBC 1st Vice Chairman Matthew Beebar and SKBC Managing Director Frederic Weber welcomed over 35 SKBC Members and guests for this pre-celebration party of the Swiss National Day. Thanks to Chef Roland Hinni and his spouse Yongsim for their great hospitality and amazing food. 

SKBC Afterwork on the on The Value And Limitations Of Artificial Intelligence by prof. Jin Hyung Kim, President of KAIRI (Korean AI Research Institute)

June 28, 2018

For this special after work, we were pleased to welcome prof. Jin Hyung Kim, President of AI Institute and KAIST emeritus professor who spoke on The Value And Limitations Of Artificial Intelligence. This very valuable presentation was followed by a very interesting Q&A with a major Swiss business actors. 

2018 SKBC Annual General Meeting followed by H.E. Linus von Castelmur, Ambassador of Switzerland and Major General Patrick Gauchat round table discussion on "Peace and Stability on the Korean Peninsula"

May 29, 2018


  1. Welcome

  2. Annual Report 2017

  3. Outlook 2018

  4. Auditor’s Report

  5. Vote on Amendments of Bylaws

  6. Elections

  7. Various

was followed by a round table discussion on

Peace and Stability on the Korean Peninsula

H.E. Dr. Linus von Castelmur, Swiss Ambassador
Major General Patrick Gauchat, Head of the Swiss Delegation to the Neutral

Moderator: Daniel Derzic, Deputy Head of Mission


Van Cleef & Arpels Exhibition 'l'Arche de Noe' and South Korea Luxury Business future trends and perspectives presentation by Mr. Stepahne Larher, Van Cleef & Arpels Korea Managing Director

April 25, 2018

The SKBC member were extremely pleased to be invited to a private viewing of the Van Cleef & Arpels 'l'Arche de Noe' Exhibition at the Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP). Van Cleef & Arpels, Managing Director, Mr. Stephane Larher guided our team trought out the exhibition, contemplating the fabulous selection of exceptional crafted jewels made by Van Cleef & Arpels. The exhibition visit was followed by a presentation on the Future of Luxury Business in South Korea, trends and perspectives.

SKBC, SBHK and ECCK sign cooperation agreement

April 02, 2018

In the morning of April 3, the ECCK signed a cooperation agreement between Swiss-Korean Business Council (SKBC) and Swiss Business Hub Korea (SBHK) at Lotte Hotel Seoul. Through this agreement, ECCK, SKBC and SBHK has plans to cooperate in organizing and promoting information sessions, seminars and other business events when opportunity rises. Furthermore, collaborative efforts will be placed into exchanging information on or refer to potential overseas speakers being of relevance for the European including Swiss business community and to organize as co-hosts such events. The cooperation agreement was signed by Mr Erwan Vilfeu (Chairman of SKBC), Mr Roger Zbinden (Head of SBHK), and Mr Sven-Erik Batenburg (Head of Legal & International Affairs at ECCK).

Swiss-Korean Business Council (SKBC) is a non-profit, business service organization founded in 1993 with the main objective to encourage the development of business relations between Korea and Switzerland. Upon request of member companies, the SKBC provides with specific advice and services and assists in establishing contacts between potential business partners.

Swiss Business Hub Korea (SBHK) started its business in 2010 and is responsible for supporting Swiss primary exporters in their first steps or their expansion in the Korean market. Since 2013 the SBHK has also advised organizations wishing to establish a subsidiary or a technological partnership in Switzerland.

ECCK-SKBC Event on Why Industry 4.0 and Collaboration go hand-in-hand: A perspective from Germany and Switzerland

April 02, 2018

Digitization is a major driving force of our time, turning our world inside out. Smart and connected systems are increasingly pervading all types of applications. The internet of things (IoT) is already starting to affect environments of all kinds – homes, cities, travel, logistics, retail and medicine, to name just a few – and it will not stop at our factory gates, either. In the future of Industry 4.0, our economy will be organized in decentralized, interconnected networks enabling new forms of digital businesses and innovation.


This talk explains, how digitalization will disrupt industries and why collaboration platforms are key to make digital innovation a success. Special emphasis is put on the comparison of the approaches towards Industry 4.0 in Germany and Switzerland on the example of the SmartFactory-KL and the Swiss Smart Factory.

The Future of Blockchain by Bob Lee, CEO of Bleecoin

March 28, 2018

Bob Lee is a 21-year-old full-stack developer and blockchain researcher from Seoul, Korea with an international background. Prior to his focus on the cryptocurrency world, Bob has been recognized as the #1 Swift Programming Language blogger on the Medium publication with over 1 million views. Bobcontributes to the community as the maintainer of the iOS Developers Facebook page consisted of 40,000 developers. He receives dozens of requests as a guest blogger and author of programming courses and books.

As an engaging public speaker and instructor, Bob has authored a best-selling course, "Learn Swift with Bob" with students from 70 countries and 300+ reviews. Bob simplifies seemingly intricate concepts in real-life applicable analogy. As a cryptocurrency entrepreneur with an early investment in Bitcoin and Ethereum, he continues to experiment with Dapps on the Ethereum and Neo platform.

SKBC PyeonChang Olympic 2018 Day-Out

February 17, 2018

The SKBC Board was pleased to invite the SKBC Members for an amazing day-out @the House of Switzerland in Yongpyong. Frederic Weber, SKBC Managing Director welcomed the guests and speakers of the events.  The day started with a visit of the House of Switzerland and was followed by a presentation and visit of the SRG/SRF Studio with Mr. Roland Magerle, Head of Sports SRG/SRF. We ended this wonderful day with a very interesting presentation by Mrs. Susanne Strombom from Swiss Timing (Swatch Group) on the history and relation between Swiss Timing and the Olympic Games.

The 5th Swiss-Korean Life Science Symposium Closing Ceremony

February 07, 2018

The SKBC board was honored to participate to the  The 5th Swiss-Korean Life Science Symposium Closing Ceremony hosted by the Swiss Embassy in presence of H.E. Alain Berset, president of the Swiss Confederation, H.E. Dr. Linus von Castelmur, Ambassador of Switzerland in South Korea. The SKBC was represented by its Chairman Erwan Vilfeu, Nestlé Korea, CEO.

The Future of Payments: How to transform the way consumers and businesses transfer value? by Andrew Kim, Visa International, Korea, Managing Director

January 30, 2018

Andrew Kim is Managing Director at Visa International in Korea who collaborates with banks and credit card issuers to provide safe and most convenient payment experience to Korean consumers. After spending over 20 years in financial and payment industry, Andrew provides distinctive thought leadership and insights in continuous evolution of digital payment ecosystem. Andrew gained expertise in credit an digital payments markets as he held various positions at JP Morgan Chase

ECCK Business Confidence Survey Press Conference 2018

January 29, 2018


European chambers and business councils in Korea with Roland Berger Seoul released the results of the Business Confidence Survey 2017 at the press conference hosted at Seoul Square on January 30.



SKBC Christmas Dinner 2017

November 30, 2018

SKBC November Luncheon on "R&D in Biopharmaceuticals in Korea-Challenges & Opportunities" by Dr. Jin Yong Kim, Novartis Chief Scientist Officer

November 16, 2017

Dr. Jin Yong Kim, Novartis Chief Scientist Officer spoke on "R&D in Biopharmaceuticals in Korea-Challenges & Opportunities"

ECCK Business Confidence Survey 2017 Kickoff Meeting

November 12, 2017

On November 13, ECCK and representatives of 11 European chambers and business councils including the SKBC gathered at the ECCK office in Seoul Square. The meeting was held to discuss the launch of this year’s Business Confidence Survey, prepared to gauge European companies’ perception towards the business environment in Korea. The survey will be open from November 20 to senior executives of European companies in Korea, and will be conducted until December 1.

SKBC October 2017 Luncheon on "The Moon Administration's Labor Policy"

October 29, 2017

KIM, Alex H.J. has nearly 20 years of law, compliance, and policy experience. He counsels on risk assessment, crisis management, and policy and regulatory issues for a wide range of clients in different industries. Prior to joining Macoll, he served as corporate counsel for Samsung Electronics and Cisco, engaging in global public affairs and government relations. He also worked as foreign legal adviser for major law firms in Korea. He received his J.D. from Washington University School of Law; B.A. and M.B.A. from Utah State University.

ECCK-SKBC joint Event on Digital Business Transformation: Implication to your business by Prof. Arturo Bris

October 16, 2017

Arturo Bris is Professor of Finance at IMD. Since January 2014 he is also leading the world-renowned IMD World Competitiveness Center.

At IMD he directed the from 2009-2014. He has directed programs for senior executives in several industries and continents. Prior to joining IMD, Professor Bris was the Robert B & Candice J. Haas Associate Professor of Corporate Finance at the Yale School of Management (USA). A Research Associate of the European Corporate Governance Institute, and a member of the Yale International Institute for Corporate Governance, he has worked extensively on issues of Corporate Governance, Financial Regulation, and International Valuation.

His work has been published in the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Legal Studies, and the Journal of Business, among others.

Professor Bris taught Corporate Finance and Investment Banking at Yale from 1998 to 2005, where he received the Best Teacher Award twice. His consulting experience includes companies in both the US and Europe.

He is the President of the Board of Trustees of IMD Pension Foundation, and a member of the Supervisory Board of the International School of Lausanne. He is a frequent speaker in international conferences, and appears regularly on international media outlets.

Professor Arturo Bris ranks among the top one hundred most-read finance academics in the world. He graduated in Law and Economics from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and received an MSc from CEMFI (Foundation of the Bank of Spain). He holds a PhD in Management from INSEAD. He enjoys reading, road- and mountain-biking, and playing bass guitar.

SKBC September 2017 Breakfast Seminar on Industry 4.0 by Mr. Arnulf D. Schircks

September 24, 2017

Dr. Arnulf D. Schircks compares upcoming trends in S. Korea vs. Switzerland relevant for leadership in the digital era and reveals some global "bad news" regarding business organizations. What are the hightlights of Industry 4.0? What are the competencies required in the 21st Century? What reveals the gap-analysis for Strategy 4.0 and what should leaders do to cultivate organizational competitiveness and success?"

Dr. Arnulf D. Schircks, is an Organizational Psychologist & Coach FHNW with 40 years of practical experience in most sectors such as industry, banking, IT, education, Swiss Army, Government. He is the owner of Swiss Know-how Consulting based in Zurich and the writer of "Strategy for Industry 4.0: Practical Know-how for People and Organization in the Digital Transformation”. 

SKBC September Luncheon on Korea Startups Ecosystem by Mr. Danny Han, Orange Fab, Country Manager

September 20, 2017

- Overview of Korean startup Ecosystem
- Activities of Orange Fab Seoul
- Orange Fab Asia partner program
- Introduction of 2-3 interesting startups

Who is Orange? Orange is one of the world's leading telecommunications operators providing  mobile communications services, internet and fixed, for more than 230 millions customers.

Orange Fab goal is to help startups grow their businesses and build amazing products and services from which Orange and its customers will benefit.

SKBC 2017 Swiss Night @ Gastrotong

July 27, 2017

A pre-celebration of the Swiss National Day. Since 1891, the first of August has been celebrated as Swiss National Day. The date refers to a historic alliance concluded in 1291 by the three cantons of Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden. This alliance was to become the focal point around which the Switzerland of today was built over the next 500 years.

SKBC June 2017 Luncheon on "Hyundai-Kia Business Culture" by Celine Jeon, Kia, Overseas Market Support Manager

June 28, 2017

Key to understanding the company’s culture is to grasp the requirements of the automotive industry as well as the cultural context of Korea, which we will explore through a combination of both personal stories and a broader perspective.
Celine Jeon joined Kia Motors Corporation in 2008, spending her first three years working on overseas customer satisfaction management programs. In 2011 she was transferred to Hyundai Motor Group's newly founded Corporate Culture Management Team, where she worked for six years promoting corporate values and cultural change within the company. In early 2017 she returned to Kia Motors Corporation to take over the management of dealer network evaluation programs.
Celine Jeon is a Swiss national and graduated from Bern University with a bachelors degree in Business Administration. She moved to Korea in 2006 where she has been living since.

2017 SKBC Annual General Meeting followed by Major General Urs Gerber presentation on ‘NNSC’s contribution to Peace and Stability on the Korean Peninsula’

May 21, 2017


  1. Welcome

  2. Annual Report 2016

  3. Outlook 2017

  4. Auditor’s Report

  5. Elections

  6. Various


After the official part we are proud to present our guest speaker, Major General Urs Gerber, Head of the Delegation to the NNSC (The Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission). He will talk about:


“NNSC's contribution to Peace and Stability in the Korean Peninsula“

SKBC April 2017 Social Event Day Out with La Chaîne des Rôtisseurs

SKBC Social Event organized in collaboration with "La Chaîne des Rôtisseurs" for a day out, making cheese in Pocheon.

With nearly 25,000 members, the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs is an International Association of Gastronomy now established in over 80 countries bringing together enthusiasts who share the same values of quality, fine dining, the encouragement of the culinary arts and the pleasures of the table. The distinctive character of our association is to bring together amateurs and professionals, from all over the world, whether they are hoteliers, restaurateurs, executive chefs or sommeliers, in the appreciation of fine cuisine.

SKBC April 2017 Luncheon on "Swiss Business Community’s perception on the Korean Economy"...

April 10, 2017

Event organized in collaboration. The SKBC welcomed a parliamentary group composed by different Swiss political parties members:

Mr Christian Wasserfallen
Chairman of the Swiss-Korean Parliamentary Friendship Group,  Liberal Party (FDP)
Dr Gerhard Pfister
President of Christian Democratic People’s Party (CVP)
Mrs Susanne Leutenegger
Social Democratic Party (SP)
Mr Claude Béglé
Christian Democratic People’s Party (CVP)
Mr Pierre André Page
Swiss People’s Party (SVP)

Presentation on ‘The Economic, Policy, Legislative Situation in Switzerland’

by National Councillor Gerhard Pfister, President of the Christian Democratic People’s Party.

Mr. Gerhard Pfister presentation will be followed by an open floor discussion on the "Swiss Business Community’s perception on the Korea economy" under the moderation by Ambassador Dr. Linus von Castelmur.

SKBC March 2017 Luncheon on “Directors in Korea – Powers, Duties and Liabilities”

March 23, 2017

Mr. Hee-Chul Kang is one of Yulchon"s founding partners and the former head of its Corporate & Finance Group. His primary areas of expertise are general corporate M&A, securities, corporate governance & compliance and labor & employment. Before founding Yulchon in 1997, Mr. Kang worked at Kim & Chang for 12 years.

Mr. Moritz Winkler is a Senior Foreign Counsel (German qualified “Rechtsanwalt”) at Yulchon. He advises both European and Korean companies in connection with their activities in Korea and the EU, focusing on M&A, joint venture structuring, and international trade issues. His industry expertise encompasses automotive, pharmaceuticals, and energy & environment. Before joining Yulchon in 2006, Moritz was in-house counsel of a German “Mittelstand” company and a legal research fellow at Hanyang University, College of Law in Seoul.

SKBC February 2017 Luncheon on "Recent Trends & Updates in Korean Labor & Employment Laws – 2017"

February 27, 2017

Mr. Hoin Lee, senior foreign attorney at Kim & Chang, with expertise on labor and employment law issues. 
Mr. Lee advises major private and not-for-profit employers on all aspects of employment and labor-related matters including restructuring programs and early retirement plans, employment counseling, labor-management relations, collective bargaining negotiations and strategy, labor-related issues in M&A, crisis management and business transfers and acquisitions, with a particular focus on multi-national corporate clients.

SKBC, Swiss Ambassador Invitation to a breakfast discussion with SKBC members and beyond

February 08, 2017


Embassy activities in 2017 and exchange of views with SKBC


08.15-08.30        arrival of guests, serving of coffee and croissants


08.30-08.45    welcome and presentation by Ambassador Dr. von Castelmur:

- Fund with the aim of promoting Swiss cooperation projects in Korea

- other Embassy activities in 2017


08.45-09.00    presentation by Mr. Roland Hinni: SKBC program for 2017 and exploring joint activities with the Embassy


09.00-09.30    Q&A, discussion


09.30-09.45    special topic by Deputy Head of Mission Nicolas Descoeudres: How Swiss and Korean business can support and make use of the House of Switzerland during the Winter Olympics/Paralympics in PyeongChang 2018


09.45-10.15    Q&A, discussion

SKBC January 2017 Luncheon on "See Law in Action – An Overview of the Anti-Graft Act and Its First 100 Days"

January 24, 2017

Yoori Choi is a Foreign Attorney at Yoon & Yang LLC with practice areas in M&A, trademarks, general corporate law, anti-corruption and international litigation. She served many multinational and domestic corporations in various industries, including, inter alia, energy, healthcare, IT, and luxury goods. She provides thorough and tailored services to clients, especially in dealing with complex legal issues and finding practical solutions meeting the client’s particular needs. (click on the Yoon & Yang logo for the speaker bio).

The presentation will be followed by a Q&A led by Mr. Kwon Hoe Kim, Senior Partner at Yoon & Yang LLC.

Kwon-Hoe Kim is senior partner at Yoon & Yang and heads the International Practice Group with specialty in general corporate, Joint ventures, competition law and product liability disputes. Kwon Hoe Kim has also been advising on labor laws, data protection and customs-trade issues.

ECCK Business Confidence Survey 2016 Press Conference

January 16, 2017

On January 17, representatives of 12 European chambers and business councils, Roland Berger Ltd., and media participated in the Business Confidence Survey 2016 Press Conference hosted at Seoul Square. For the third year, the survey has been conducted to gauge European companies’ perceptions towards the business environment of Korea. In partnership with Roland Berger, European chambers and business councils collectively organized the survey. A total of 131 companies, representing over 60,000 employees and a total turnover of EUR 50 billion, participated in the survey held in November 2016. The company profile included various industries, diversely ranging from services to manufacturing to provide an unbiased viewpoint. Of the respondents, 71% have operated in Korea for more than a decade.

Christoph Heider, President of the ECCK, led the opening of the event, touching upon the significance of the survey as a medium to deliver a message to the public and receive direct feedback from relevant counterparts. Huntaek Jung, Principal of Roland Berger, presented the executive summary of  the survey results.

SKBC Christmas Dinner 2016

December 02, 2016

SKBC November Luncheon 2016 on "Crowdfunding: Changing the Landscape of Startups” by Mr. Scott Jung, Co-Founder at Crowdy

November 23, 2016

Scott Jung is a Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Y Crowdfunding Inc. (“CROWDY”) and a Founding Partner of Perpetiel Partners Co., Ltd, an investment company in Korea.  He is also the Vice President of Yozma Campus, a unit of The Yozma Group where CROWDY is a member company.  


Scott is a senior banker with 25 years of experience in Global Markets with Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan, managing a broad range of financial products across key markets in Asia.  He has worked and lived in New York, Seoul, Hong Kong and Singapore with his wife and two children.  Scott graduated from Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia.

SKBC October 2016 Luncheon on "The importance of ICT Excellence in the future" by Mr. Marc Furrer, ComCom President

October 20, 2016

For this special SKBC Luncheon, we were honored to welcomed H.E. Linus von Castelmur, Swiss Ambassador, the Swiss Federal Communications Commission ComCom and Federal Office of Communications OFCOM delegation. This event was hosted in collaboration with the Swiss Embassy and S-GE (Swiss Global Enterprise).

SKBC Luncheon, Seoul Global City, the Path from Joseon Dynasty to Contemporary Era by Christian Barde, Parafe CEO

September 19, 2016

Mr. Christian Pierre Barde has a long and successful experience in Architecture and Design in South Korea working on large projects like the FIFA 2002 World Cup, the Namyangju Green Odyssey, the Super Club Resort Korea and Dongbu Rainbow Hill Golf Club.


Mr. Barde has been also working on projects for world leading institutions like AIR FRANCE, AUDI, CARREFOUR, EUROCOPTER, LG CHEMICAL, GIVAUDAN, L'OREAL, PEUGEOT, SAGA, SK TELECOM, TF1, THALES, TOTAL and many more.


Mr. Christian Pierre Barde is a Seoul Honorary Citizen since 2008 and he is currently the CEO of Parafe.

Swiss Embassy Garden Party

July 27, 2016

Swiss Ambassador informal Farewell Garden Dinner Party hosted by H.E. the Ambassador Jorg Al Reding.


Performance of the Swiss Military Band.

SKBC Luncheon, Insight into the millenials and their world by Annie Kim, Welcomm Publicis, Group Account Director

June 29, 2016

From AirBnb to KakaoTaxi, the services that never existed before are changing the business world. 

The driving force behind these disruptive brands? It is the biggest consumer group “Millennials”.


Creative agency Publicis team will unlock the insights to the Millennials - Who are they exactly, what’s the different vs. Gen X/Y and what motivates them.


- Publicis is a leading global communications group

- No.1 digital & interactive communications, No.2 media consulting & buying

- Created in 1926 in Paris / in 111 countries / 1,298 offices / 60,000 communication specialists

- Group owns creative agencies, media agencies, digital consultancies and healthcare agencies.

- Publicis in KR - No.2 among the global agencies

2016 SKBC Annual General Meeting followed by Mr. Jacob Reidman presentation on 'Politics in the Trenches: A Field Report from the 20th National Assembly Election'

May 25, 2016

Annual General Meeting

The agenda of the Annual General Meeting is as follows:

1. Welcome

2. Annual Report 2015

3. Outlook 2016

4. Auditor’s Report

5. Elections

6. Various

The official part of the AGM will be directly followed by a presentation on:

'Politics in the Trenches: A Field Report from the 20th National Assembly Election' 

Extensive field work in the lead up to the 20th National Assembly Election (April 13, 2016) uncovers a complex system of games, gambits, and intrigue that occur out of the public eye, long before Korea's voters ever take to the voting booths. This talk will highlight the (not all negative) impacts and interactions of three informal structures, 1) camps, 2) factions, and 3) nomination patronage, on contemporary Korean electoral politics.

Jacob Reidhead is currently conducting dissertation fieldwork for his PhD in Sociology at Stanford University. Prior to that he studied North Korean human rights organizations (NKHRO) in South Korea as a Fulbright junior research fellow, and before that spent five months in North Korea as a food monitor for Mercy Corps.

Compliance and Anti-Corruption laws Seminar with Advantage Austria

April 26, 2016

The event is co-organized by the Austrian Embassy Commercial Section and the Swiss-Korean-Business-Council


Please note, that the new Act is not replacing existing anti-bribery laws. The seminar will thus give you an overview about all existing Compliance/Anti-Corruption regulations. The presentations will be hold by Mr. Christophe Piganiol, Zuellig Pharma President, Mr. Peter In-Soo Kim, German Attorney at Kim & Chang and Jooha Yang, Roche Internal Audit & Compliance Manager

SKBC Luncheon, Transformation of the Swiss Economic Landscape by Daniel Kung, Swiss Global Enterprise CEO

April 05, 2016

S-GE has a mandate as an official export and investment promoter from the State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO). As a Center of Excellence for Internationalization, S-GE helps Swiss companies (specially SMEs) to identify and make use of sales opportunities around the world and enter foreign markets.


S-GE is also involved in promoting the advantages of Switzerland as a business location to foreign companies. S-GE is a strong and trusted partner for Swiss companies, the Cantons and the Swiss Government, with a global network of experienced advisers and experts.

SKBC Luncheon, Creating shared value at Nestlé by Mr. Erwan Vilfeu, Nestlé Korea CEO

March 16, 2016

Nestlé has grown from a company founded nearly 150 years ago on the success of a life-saving infant cereal to a global leader in Nutrition, Health and Wellness. Nestlé growth helped to improve the lives of millions of people. Join us and learn how Nestlé CSV supported the livelihoods of 695 000 farmers and directly employed 339 456 people. 

SKBC Luncheon, Branding a successful country even stronger by Nicolas Bideau, Presence Switzerland CEO and Ambassador

February 17, 2016

Presence Switzerland is competent for the image to Switzerland abroad, and implements the strategy of the Federal Council on Switzerland's communication abroad. On the basis of the Federal Act on the Promotion of Switzerland's image abroad, supports the protection of Switzerland's interests by using various public relations tools. Its task include transmitting general knowledge about Switzerland, the forging of understanding for Switzerland, as well as a portrayal of Switzerland's diversity and attractiveness.

SKBC Luncheon, The First Generation of Korean Entrepreneurs by Don Kirk

January 20, 2016

Don splits his time between Seoul, Washington and London, reporting from and on Korea for CBS Radio and the Christian Science Monitor, writing the “Global View” column for Future Korea Weekly and filing for the Asia Times. He also writes articles and commentaries for magazines and newspapers, including Forbes and Institutional Investor, of which he is a contributing editor, the World Tribune, which he serves on the editorial board, the Los Angeles Times, South China Morning Post(Hong Kong) and The Providence Journal. He contributes expert analysis on Korea for Al Jazeera, Press TV and numerous American radio stations. He has written in recent years for the New Leader, Far Eastern Economic Review, the Korea Policy Review (Kennedy School, Harvard), the Korea Observer and numerous others. He has been a contributing editor of the Kyoto Journal, is a contributing editor of Future Korea Weekly and on the board of advisers of Asia-Pacific Business & Technology Report.

SKBC Luncheon, Key of Intercultural Understanding in the Business Environment in South Korea by Professor Benjamin Joinau

November 22, 2015

Professor Benjamin Joinau is an French Author, Book Publisher and Entrepreneur currently working as a Fellow Researcher at the prestigious Seoul National University. He has been living in South Korea since 1994 and became a well-known academic figure especially in the French and Korean Gastronomy, promoting fine french dining with his Restaurant Le Saint-Ex and Korean cuisine locally and internationally on his own TV show and on KBS, KBS1, SBS, MBC, ARIRANG and including International channels as FRANCE 5, CANAL+,  M6, EURONEWS.

SKBC October 2015 Luncheon on "New Leadership Style" by Mr. Fernández-Aráoz, Author and International Speaker

October 19, 2015

Mr. Claudio Fernández-Aráoz is an Argentinian author, international speaker and global expert on talent and leadership, ranked by BusinessWeek as one of the most influential executive search consultants in the world. He is currently a senior adviser of Egon Zehnder. Before joining Egon Zehnder in 1986, he worked at McKinsey & Company in Europe. He is a frequent lecturer at the Harvard Business School.

SKBC September 2015 Luncheon on "American Gold Miners in Joseon Korea " by Mr. Robert Neff, Author

September 16, 2015

Did you know that prior to the mid-twentieth century, Korea was one of the greatest gold producing countries in the world? Even as far back as the 9th century, rumors of Korea’s great mineral wealth attracted Arab merchants and their agents who traveled to the peninsula and traded for gold and silver utensils along with copper, ginseng, paper and fans...join us for another very interesting lecture, a time travel in this fascinating part of the Korean History!


Robert Neff has resided in Korea for a number of years and his articles have appeared in various local newspapers, magazines and RAS’s Transactions. He has authored or co-authored several books including: “The Lives of Westerners in Joseon Korea”, “Korea Through Western Eyes” and “Letters from Joseon.” He is currently finishing the manuscript for his next book tentatively entitled: “Nodaji: A Century of Western Gold Mining in Korea (1882-1982).

SKBC August 2015 Luncheon on "Korea's ICT Laws and Policies threatening Innovation and Open Internet" by Kelly Kim, Opennet, General Counsel

August 19, 2015

Kelly K.Y. Kim, General Counsel of Open Net Korea,  and Prof. Kyung Shin Park of Korea University and also Director of Open Net Korea spoke on "Korea's Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Laws and Policies Threatening Innovation and Open Internet "


SBKC June 2015 Luncheon on "South Korea's Manufacturing Hub" by Dr. Tony Mitchell, founder of Euro-Asian Business Consultancy (EABC)

June 17, 2015

Dr. Tony Michell is based in Seoul with over 28 years experience observing, analysing economic and political and business developments in Korea and North East Asia. He is the founder of Euro-Asian Business Consultancy (EABC) and Korea Associates Business Consulting (KABC), advising foreign companies on business strategy for Korea and the region. He also works with Korean companies and Korean government departments on international issues. He also has a unique understanding of North Korea and was the first Western company to set up a Pyongyang office.


SKBC April 2015 Luncheon on the Korean Anti-Corruption Regulation and the Newly Enacted Kim Young Ran Act

April 15, 2015


Mr Hong is a Partner at Shin and Kim and co-heads the Government Investigations & Compliance practice group. He is a former state prosecutor

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